College essay introductions
Topics To Write A Research Paper On Economics
Monday, August 24, 2020
Orange Is The New Black Professor Ramos Blog
Orange Is The New Black Orange Is The New Black Women’s jails are picking up acclaim in another manner. â€Å"Orange Is the New Black†made its chief on Netflix in 2013 as a parody dramatization arrangement. It depends on genuine occasions from a book called â€Å"My Year in a Woman’s Prison†composed by Piper Kerman. Despite the fact that this show is insane, it despite everything centers around the genuine issues, for example, benefit, the impeded, and psychological maladjustment. Numerous arrangement don’t frequently include lady and the jail framework. I think it’s ideal to perceive what might go on in there. Orange Is The New Black has recently entered its sixth season, making that 78 scenes. With the creation being in New York, The maker Jenji Kohan has discovered a great deal of crude ability that have had a tremendous effect when depicting these characters. Chapman is a primary character in the first place who is being condemned to 15 months in Litchfield Prison for criminal intrigue and illegal tax avoidance. She is accomplished, white, and a narcissist. Chapman depends on the book writer, Piper Kerman, who was condemned to a woman’s least security jail. The essayists of this show have clarified that specialists have gotten attached to her. Causing her sentence to feel somewhat lighter than the remainder of the prisoners. It may be the case that â€Å"white privilege†comes into to play, considering the way that she has been allowed numerous things that those of shading can't get. The detainees see that she is being supported which makes her essence undesirable. She before long attempts to present appropriate reparations meet with a ground-breaking detainee by giving her a blessing. Be that as it may, so as to make this blessing she needs shea margarine. Chapman is acquainted with a character that passes by the name of â €Å"Taystee†. Chapman exchanges a lock of her light hair for Taystee’s shea margarine with expectations of this turbulent dramatization finishing. Taystee wears the blondie lock of hair with certainty, as she was searching for another hairdo. Taystee’s character is one that a great deal of youthful pained young ladies can identify with. She has been in and out of the framework for her entire life. She was placed into child care during childbirth and stayed a ward of the court until she was 16. She met a lady name â€Å"Vee†who was a famous street pharmacist. Taystee consistently needed a mother figure in her life and Vee was the closes thing to that. Taystee wasn’t liberated from the cultivate framework for a really long time as she wound up in adolescent corridor then jail. Plainly the scholars needed to accentuated the way that Taystee lean towards the framework structure instead of opportunity. In any case, truth be told that’s all she’s known. With such a riotous life all she needs is to settle down and discover a reason in life like all of us. In jail she has her life set as she is the c ustodian and has a closest companion to consistently depend on. Things were fine in her life at that point blast! The journalists needed to make her life all the more upsetting. As Taystee loses her companion to a homicide submitted by a power figure. It seemed as though nobody would get charged for this wrongdoing, obviously nobody would be charged, isn't that so? Have you seen today’s society! Feelings run high inside her friend network. One specific companion, who has psychological well-being issues, takes it to the heart. Now everything’s going haywire in the content! â€Å"Crazy Eyes†otherwise known as Suzanne is her name. Numerous characters in the story give indications of dysfunctional behavior. This is a real issue in our framework. Numerous detainees ought to have a place in treatment offices to get the genuine assistance they need. Orange Is The New Black unquestionably shows the truth of these issues. The on-screen character Uzo Aduba who plays Suzanne works admirably at getting each and every detail right. Suzanne is one of the principle characters who depicts a detainee that is extremely clever however needs social aptitudes and can blast out with feeling at any second. She hits herself on the head when she thinks she’s accomplished something incorrectly while over and over saying â€Å"stupid†. Her antipsychotic prescription causes her yet just to a degree. Her attitude is that of a six-year-old, which is the thing that handled her in jail. With jail going wild, Suzanne is placed in a frightening situation by a gatekeeper who attempted to make her battle another prisoner. This s cene is serious while Suzanne is going crazy attempting to control her feelings. Also, the result isn't lovely. Suzanne gets included when a homicide happens settling from this circumstance. She doesn’t tell anybody in dread of having the accuse put for her. Be that as it may, would she be able to keep it in for long? She’s gradually losing her psyche from not taking her prescription that can't be given to her because of the way that there is an immense uproar going on. She is left with injury, not recognizing what's in store. It makes you wonder if this truly goes on in there. Do watches truly mishandle those that are intellectually temperamental for their own fulfillment? Since a great deal of misuse goes on in this show. With the entirety of the sex, medications, mobs and show going on, it’s no big surprise why this turned out to be such a moment hit on Netflix. In any case, what Piper Kerman needed from this experience is to be a type of promoter for woman’s jail. With lady being a quickly developing populace of the jail framework, a lion's share of the female detainees are being abused. Utilizing her benefit to carry some light to the detainment facilities poor conditions, for example, not giving the correct supplies to lady and shackling up the new moms to-be during work and conveyance. I don’t think Piper’s voice is sufficiently boisterous to be heard, yet it’s a beginning. Pitiful news about this story is that it will be reaching a conclusion. Season 7 will be its last chief in 2019 in the wake of running its course for a long time. Chapman, Taystee, and Suzanne have a total new bend in the up and coming season that will change their lives until the end of time. Will you watch it? work refered to: By: Gwynne Watkins June 5, 2014 By: Monifa Bandele October 23, 2017 By: Myles McNutt July 27, 2018
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Management Report Project on Work Performance
Unique The goal of this exploration is to see whether there is any relationship between's work execution and employment fulfillment through an example investigation of deals staff working in various banks. Also, this exploration tried to comprehend whether work fulfillment is connected to both work inspiration and employee’s saw style of authority by Managers. With the assistance of overviews and meetings directed with the members, it was built up that activity fulfillment was decidedly related with work profitability. Comparable exposition: Argyles Communication CycleWork inspiration and employee’s saw style of initiative were likewise settled as emphatically related with representative occupation fulfillment. These discoveries propose that to build work profitability, supervisors might be required to raise the degree of occupation fulfillment in representatives, which might be possibly practiced by means of a participative way to deal with authority and powerful inspiration of workers. Be that as it may, as the investigation is correlational in nature, the impediments of the ebb and flow examine are shown being talked about. Writing ReviewRelationship between Job Satisfaction and Productivity The most-utilized research meaning of occupation fulfillment is by Locke (1976), who characterized it as â€Å"a pleasurable or positive passionate state coming about because of the examination of one’s employment or employment experiences†. There are different scientists and studies tha t help this thought of connection between work fulfillment and profitability showing that associations expanding work fulfillment isn't just to profit its representative yet in addition for the association money related advantages.As refered to by Edward E. Lawler, work fulfillment is identified with efficiency as this originates from a way objective hypothesis of inspiration that has been expressed by Georgopoulos, Mahoney and Jones, Vroom, Lawler and Porter. As indicated by them, individuals are persuaded to do things which lead to rewards that they esteem. For this situation, a way objective hypothesis would anticipate that high fulfillment will prompt low turnover and truancy in light of the fact that the fulfilled individual is spurred to go to work where his needs are being satisfied.As cited by Dailey and Kirk, 1992, work fulfillment and hierarchical duty share a converse relationship with non-appearance and turnover expectation, factors that can pointedly cut primary concern . Antagonistic outcomes incorporate lower efficiency and assurance, and greater expense of recruiting, maintenance and preparing. In this way, the opposite remains constant whereby lower frequencies of truancy and turnover could prompt possibly higher commitment to hierarchical monetary beneficial gains.In an exploration done by National Research Institute for one of the biggest Food Services suppliers in the United States, it was presumed that representative fulfillment was the reason for high worker non-attendance, precluding other substantial components. Discoveries demonstrated that low occupation fulfillment was obvious; the National Business Research Institute (NBRI) Root Cause Analysis showed that a hole existed among representatives and the association's short and long haul objectives, vision, and mission.Proposed suggestions from NBRI incorporated a few measures to hand-off administration's vital designs to the most reduced positioned worker and guaranteeing every single em ployee’s day by day exercises were adjusted by such plans. From there on, ensuing representative review results demonstrated noteworthy increments on worker fulfillment, upgrading Total Company Employee Satisfaction dramatically.Employee Satisfaction Scores improved, from a Weakness (beneath the 50th percentile of the NBRI Normative Database) to being Strength (over the 75th percentile of the NBRI Normative Database) in just a half year. What’s more, worker non-appearance was diminished by over 60%. With this connection, Organ (1988) secured that the position execution and occupation fulfillment relationship follows the social trade hypothesis where employees’ execution comprise an offering back to the association from which they get their satisfaction.Recognising the way that low occupation fulfillment prompts low profitability, thusly irritating hierarchical execution, it is basic associations survey the quality of the connection between worker work fulfillmen t and efficiency level in light of hidden ramifications on overhauling certain parts of work. An examination was led by Shanu and Gole (2008) on the fulfillment level of 100 directors from 15 private assembling firms. An occupation fulfillment instrument evaluating regions, for example, acknowledgment, financial compensation, working conditions, nature of employment, and future progression was used.Then, these study discoveries were contrasted and execution assessments done by administrators of arranged organizations. In the wake of this, it was found that presentation levels are reliable with high fulfillment scores. This is compatible with an audit of 301 examinations, uncovering that activity fulfillment supports up work execution, with a higher tendency towards proficient occupations, contrasted with less unpredictable employments (see Saari and Judge, 2004). While there are studies to show this relationship, the current examination was worried about whether work fulfillment is essentially connected with execution in the monetary aspect.In an investigation directed on 42 assembling organizations, Patterson, Warr, and West (2004) found that-holding different components like organization size, past efficiency, and mechanical area steady profitability (money related estimation of net deals per worker) is decidedly associated to work fulfillment In another examination, Herzberg et al. (1959) expressed that (constructive) fulfillment is because of acceptable encounters, and that these are because of 'inspirations' †accomplishment, acknowledgment, the work itself, obligation and advancement.Dissatisfaction is because of awful encounters brought about by 'cleanliness' factors †directors, individual specialists, organization approach, working conditions, and individual life (Herzberg et al. , 1959). In this way, it can't learn if work fulfillment is decidedly corresponded with monetary profitability or whether a converse relationship exists. The current examination looks to reaffirm discoveries from the majority of research for the thought that fulfilled workers are more work gainful. Connection among Motivation and Job SatisfactionThe level of execution of workers depends on their genuine abilities as well as fair and square of inspiration every individual shows (Burney et al. , 2007). A persuasive structure, based on the reason of how workers ought to be overseen, influences work fulfillment. Herzberg's (1959) two-factor hypothesis of inspiration credits ‘pay and advantages' to one of the cleanliness factors, in that the prohibition of this causes work disappointment (Hugh Greenway and Tim Runacre, 2008). As Argyle (1989) clarifies, positive employment atisfaction is because of helpers, for example, accomplishment, acknowledgment, the work itself, obligation, and headway, while disappointment is because of terrible encounters brought about by cleanliness factors, for example, pay, management, organization arrangement, relat ions with individual laborers, and states of work. Lawler (1973) has a hypothesis known as inconsistency hypothesis which expresses that laborers measure work fulfillment dependent on what they get versus what they hope to get, and a correlation where a genuine result level is lower than a normal result level would prompt disappointment (Castillo and Cano, 2004).However, in another hypothesis of inspiration known as value hypothesis, it expresses that inspiration is influenced by workers’ impression of how decently they are being dealt with, with representatives assessing their information sources/results by contrasting them and the data sources/results of others (Castillo and Cano, 2004; Luthans and Doh, 2009). On the off chance that the proportion of contributions to results is like the sources of info and results of others, value exists. Imbalance exists when the proportion of contributions to results is inconsistent to the sources of info and results of others (Castillo a nd Cano, 2004; Luthans and Doh, 2009).Job fulfillment is then connected with the view of value, while impression of disparity will bring about disappointment with this conviction negatively affecting employment execution (Castillo and Cano, 2004; Luthans and Doh, 2009). The normal components shared by the various speculations of inspiration are the ramifications of a requirement for successful inspiration so as to make workers happy with their occupations. Castillo and Cano (2004) analyzing in a previous investigation on 148 employees announced that the entirety of the activity inspiration factors recognized by Herzberg (1959) were tolerably or significantly identified with by and large occupation satisfaction.Such discoveries shed light on how associations can upgrade profitability by considering arrangement of sparks, for example, acknowledgment or enhancing such helpers to increase work fulfillment. So as to accomplish ideal benefits, it is important to learn the connection among inspiration and employment fulfillment through broad scavenging for generous proof. Above all, the current examination will represent that presence of sparks to move representatives to go after authoritative objectives favorably affects work efficiency by means of improvement of occupation satisfaction.Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction In an association, the presentation of staff isn't just influenced by inspiration and employment fulfillment yet it is likewise influenced by the administration style received by the association. Authority is characterized as a procedure through which others are affected to divert their endeavors toward accomplishing their objectives (Luthans and Doh, 2009). Authoritative administration establishes the pace in the viability of associations, just as assumes a fundamental job in work satisfaction.Positive communications among hierarchical pioneers and individuals offer ascent to shared regard, trust, and the capacity to produce a feeling of trust l ater on a truly necessary element for work fulfillment to bloom from
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Heathrow Tunnel Collapse 1994 Example
Heathrow Tunnel Collapse 1994 Example Heathrow Tunnel Collapse 1994 â€" Assignment Example > Heathrow Tunnel Collapse 1994Table of ContentsIntroduction- 3Analysis of the Accident- 3Consequences of the Accident- 7Lessons Learned from the Accident- 8Assessment of the Implications if such accident happen in Preston- 9Conclusion- 9Bibliography- 11IntroductionIn 1994, a new underground railway tunnel and station were under construction beneath the Central Terminal Are of London’s Heathrow airport. During October, a section of the station collapsed and this led to the partial collapse of a building above it. Further collapses occurred during the next few days but fortunately, no one was injured. The purpose of this report is to investigate and conduct an analysis of this accident and find out the consequences and lessons learned from it. Moreover, the report would assess the implications of such accident if it would happen to Preston. Finally, it would a brief conclusion of the findings. Analysis of the AccidentThe Heathrow Express project was conceived in 1986 as part of stu dy to look at improving access links between Central London and Heathrow airport. The rail link runs on the existing British main line from Paddington to north of the M4 from where, there is 8 km of new alignment to service stations in the Central Terminal Area and at Terminal 4 or T4. The T4 station comprises of two platform tunnels with central concourse at one end. These are connected by a series of cross-passages and intersected by the North and South Ventilation tunnels at each end of the station. The larges project under construction during that time, Heathrow Express was due to commence operations in June 1998. BAA will be the sole operator of the service, working in conjunction with Railtrack, which owns the line between Paddington and the airport junction. The service will operate brand new rolling stock to cut the time from Central London to Heathrow to some 15 minutes and will include check-in facilities at Paddington. It is planned to offer an additional service from St . Pancras station to Heathrow in 1999. It is estimated by BAA that the opening of the Heathrow will remove around 1.1 million vehicle journeys a year to the airport. This will make a major contribution to the reduction of road traffic in the airport area, which attracts more than 16,000 train, bus and coach arrivals every day. The company aims to encourage 50% of its passengers to use public transport to travel to and from the airport (Cole 2003, p. 236). Prior to the collapse of the Central Terminal or CTA station tunnels, the Contractor, Balfour Beatty or BBCEL, with Geoconsult as designed, was responsible for the primary support, while Mott MacDonald or MM was responsible for the permanent support systems and each design section was independently checked by Faber Maunsell (British Tunnelling Society 2004, p. 144). The tunnel is a £60m contract to build the main tunnels and stations for the Heathrow Express from Paddington to the airport. However, nine months into the work a ma jor tunnelling collapse occurred. The total extra-unplanned cost has been reported at £422.7m or seven times the original tunnelling contract price (Blockley and Godfrey 2000, p. 275)
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Pop Art And The Art - 1034 Words
Throughout the vast history of art, there have been many art movements that stand out and revolutionize the art world. However, one movement stands out in particular and it is known as Pop Art. Pop Art was invented by a few younger artists by the name of Andy Warhol, Claes Oldenburg, and Roy Lichtenstein. It was brought about in the 1960s and it helped define a new form of American Realism. Its origin was sort of a lash out against Abstract Expressionism, which was a style of painting. The point of pop art was to represent life as most Americans lived it. It pointed out the simple things that Americans find themselves caught up in in everyday life. Pop Art represented a world focused around popular culture, which is basically what is â€Å"hot†in America at the time. Pop Art brought about the reality that America revolved around the culture of things like Wall Street Finance and Madison Avenue Advertising. It sort of presented the thought that maybe Americans weren’t s o hard to get through to or to understand. Pop Art revealed the pop culture in America and made beautiful art in return. It helped turn the page in the art world that was leaving traditional media, like painting, in the wind. Although there were many great artists to work with Pop Art like Claes Oldenburg and Roy Lichtenstein, one that particularly stands out is Andy Warhol. Born in August of 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Warhol was not among the most fortunate. Throughout his young life, Andy Warhol lived inShow MoreRelatedPop Art As A Form Of Art1014 Words  | 5 PagesPop Art is in our everyday life. Whether it’s the design on a soup can or an actual painting you see it every day. Many of the things we see every day are in famous pop art paintings. The movement Pop Art started in the late 1950s to the early 1960s. It spread widely through Britain and the Americas. The Movement Pop Art was named by the art critic Lawrence Alloway. At first the public didn t accept Pop Art as a form of art. It was later accepted by many critics. The critics felt it showed thatRead MorePop Art : An Art Movement905 Words  | 4 PagesPop Art is an art movement that emerged in the 1950’s characterized by imagery from pop culture mostly on advertisements and news often using the sense of irony. This movement was more of a cultural revolution using vibrant colors and bold graphics to represent a statement and provide an instant meaning. It has a relation with the abstract expressionism, however it is clearer and has a comic book vibe. Pop art is not trying to confuse you and make you analyze its meaning, on the contrary, it wantsRead MorePop Art And The Pop Culture1616 Words  | 7 PagesDuring its time, pop art really exposed American cu lture. The pop art movement gained its prominence in the United States during the 1960’s. The pop art movement came after the abstract expressionist movement and first emerged in Great Britain during the late 1950’s but blew up in the United States. Like I already stated, I believe that in our society our overall beliefs and values are reflected through various aspects of our everyday lives. I believe that pop art and the pop art movement is a greatRead MoreThe Pop Of Pop Art Movement Essay1579 Words  | 7 Pages Pop Art movement, centralised in the United States during the 1950s-60s, was a stage in the post modernism era in which the line between low art and high art was blurred and art was more accessible to the general public (Gambino, 2011). Andy Warhol was an iconic artist during the pop art movement alongside artists like Rauschenberg and Lichtenstein. The artworks, â€Å"Campbell’s Soup Cans†(1962) and â€Å"Marilyn Diptych†(1962), dep ict icons from two different contexts and illustrate the theme of overRead MoreThe Art Of Pop Art : Femme DAlger1082 Words  | 5 PagesFemme d’Alger Femme d’Alger is a painting created by the artist, Roy Lichtenstein. The work of art was created in 1963. Its medium is oil on canvas with a dimension of 80 x 68 in (203.2 x 172.72 cm). The subject matter of this painting is of a harem women lounging naked in her apartment waiting. She is supposedly everything a male wants, a male’s fantasy of a woman. Although this painting is of a nude woman, the symbol and meaning behind it is, the woman is actually arousing to herself. LichtensteinRead MoreThe Music Of Pop Art1301 Words  | 6 PagesThe art movement I have chosen to write about is pop art. The pop art movement was about appealing to the eye through popular culture and through news and advertising. Pop art emerged in the mid 1950’s in the United States. British artists Richard Hamilton and Eduardo Paolozzi were critics that made pop art popular in Britain in 1952. Paolozzi’s first creation in pop art was a collage of newspaper clippings. A film was made by Ken Russell, which gave life to the idea of pop art in Britain. MeanwhileRead MoreImpact Of Pop Art1448 Words  | 6 PagesDEPICTED IN TOM WESSELMANN’S POP ART†Christopher Zacherl ARTH 3340: Art of the United States November 20, 2017 In the 1960s, pop art represented the attempt to return to a more objective, universally acceptable form of art following the dominance of the highly personal Abstract Expressionism in the United States and Europe. It was considered very radical compared to what the art world had seen in the 40s and 50s, rejecting the supremacy of the â€Å"high art†of the past and the pretensesRead MoreThe Movement Of Pop Art991 Words  | 4 Pages The term ‘Pop Arts ‘was innovated in the mid-1950s and early 1960 s. Undoubtedly, the god father of this movement is Andy Warhol – the biggest influence on humanity s fixation on visual art. His performance traverses the connection among aesthetic utterance, culture and commercial. By applying various ways of techniques which included silk screen process (for mass production) and colour settlement, Warhol showed to the world of art his perspectives on media, economics and politics. Thus, thisRead MoreThe Rise Of Pop Art1657 Words  | 7 Pagesrise of Pop Art. It paved the way for iconic artist such as Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns . With the rise of this bona fide American phenomenon also brought critics. Critics asked and wondered how a can of soup or a soft drink could be considered art. Pop artist, Andy Warhol responded by stating, †Art is what you can get away with.†What made pop art popular? It was brash, transient, witty, hostile, young, mass produced, and most importantly it was low-cost . Pop art was the new art movementRead MoreThe Leader Of Pop Art1767 Words  | 8 PagesChildhood The leader of Pop Art, Andrew Warhola, was born on August 6th, 1928. His parents Ondrej and Ulja Warhola were both Czechoslovakian immigrants, before giving birth, they moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ondrej and Ulja had two elder sons named John and Paul. During his adolescence years, a plethora of different health disorders had affected Andrew, such as; Sydenham’s chorea and Scarlet fever. Andrew constantly received treatment which caused him to develop a fear towards hospitals.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Threat Of A Terrorist Attack - 918 Words
The constant threat of a terrorist attack is something that not only the United States has to worry about when it comes to economic and political conditions but other countries also. Terrorist groups have continued to threaten to harm innocent people or infrastructures at all cost. One way that terrorist can disrupt the United States economy is an attack on a major shipping port and disrupting their operations. This could cripple part of the United States because many of our states depend on the cargo that is brought in and out of our ports. The United States import many different goods from countries around the world. The following is the top imports from Japan alone : Japan s exports to America amounted to $137.4 billion or 5.7% of its overall imports. 1. Vehicles: $46.5 billion 2. Machines, engines, pumps: $31.8 billion 3. Electronic equipment: $17.6 billion 4. Medical, technical equipment: $6.7 billion 5. Aircraft, spacecraft: $4.9 billion 6. Organic chemicals: $3.9 billion 7. Rubber: $2.5 billion 8. Plastics: $2.3 billion 9. Iron or steel products: $2.3 billion 10. Iron and steel: $1.9 billion As you can see that there is so much money and goods that are depended on the companies of the United States and when it comes to politics, there has been a constant argument on the steps on improving the security postures and equipment at port terminals in America. This is also the case of other port terminals around the world. According to the ContainerShow MoreRelatedThe Threat Of Terrorist Attacks2209 Words  | 9 PagesTerrorist attacks similar to the one experienced in 2001 have left a number of Americans concerned over the likelihood of future terrorist attacks and their potential impacts, as well. Such attacks have increased the level of uncertainty regarding what may happen, which only serves to heighten anxiety and stress levels. Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), which include chemical, biological, and radiological weapons, have increased the likelihood of incidents of terrorism in America (Friedmann, Read MoreThe Threat Of Terrorist Attacks988 Words  | 4 Pag esIn terrorist attacks, individuals or groups use violence to obtain political or social objectives through the intimidation of a large audience beyond that of the immediate victims (Santifort-Jordan Sandler 2014, 981). If the terrorist attack is particularly shocking, then the terrorist group hopes that their malicious act will cause sufficient social anxiety that society will pressure the government to concede to the group s demands. Suicide terrorist attacks, the execution of which requires theRead MoreNsa Ci The United States And Other Countries From Threat Terrorist Attacks1933 Words  | 8 Pagesthe United States; 2,977 people died in the iconic terrorist attacks (â€Å"September 11th Fast Facts†). In New York, New York, two planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers, and another crashed into the Pentagon, which is the military command center located in Washington D.C. Along with those three planes, there was a fourth plane that was hijacked, but the passen gers overthrew the terrorist, and downed the plane in Pennsylvania. These attacks resulted in racism against the Muslim community andRead MoreThe United States Face Challenges And Threats1361 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States face many challenges and threats. The 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review identifies six challenges that pose the most strategically significant risk to the United States over the next five years. These challenges include the terrorist threat, cyber threats, biological concerns, nuclear terrorism, transnational criminal organizations, and natural hazards (Department of Homeland Security, 2014). Of these six challenges, the terrorism threat seems to create the biggest fear and concernRead MoreA New Paradigm Of Terrorism1537 Words  | 7 PagesSince the 9/11 terrorist attacks many have sought to argue that a ‘New’ paradigm of terrorism exists and therefore that the nature of modern terrorist threats has changed. However, terrorism itself has never been clearly outlined, and as such both Copeland and Duyvesteyn argue current threats to be a continuation of older trends of traditional terrorism. More so terrorism is subjective and therefore current threats depends upon who the target is and who is reporting the attack. On the other handRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1586 Words  | 7 Pageswhere there are so many global threats around us. World is not like heaven. We need to face many problems in our life. We have some global risk also. This year has been a notably rough year. Some of the worst threats make our people more worried. Many researchers and writers are writing about the biggest threats of the world. Several reports are also made to understand the recent global threats. In order to write something about the recent global threats, one word comes to our mind thatRead MoreEvolution of Terrorism since the Attacks of 20011218 Words  | 5 Pages Evolution of Terrorism since the Attacks of 2001 Specificity and the level of modern civilization are characterized by the existence of vexed global problems, affecting not only the fate of individuals, social groups, nations, classes, regions and continents, but of all mankind. Therefore, in the present-day reality, the most urgent conflicts, requiring an immediate resolution that can escalate into an engrossing civil strife, are put forward to the fore. Alongside with them, there are separateRead MoreThe Existing And Evolving Threat Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction1424 Words  | 6 PagesP407 Terrorism The existing and evolving threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction Joshua Garrison 11/24/2014 To understand the threat that is posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMD), what defines a WMD must first be understood. The definition and use of WMD is covered by 18 U.S. Code  § 2332a - Use of weapons of mass destruction. The term â€Å"weapon of mass destruction†is defined as any destructive device that is further defined under section 921. Under section 921, a destructiveRead MoreThe Attack On The United States976 Words  | 4 PagesThe Attack on the September 11, and the consequent War on Terror changed how the American government and its public perceive terrorism and how to formulate a policy to counter the phenomenon. A couple of large wars were waged on the name of War on Terror and many other small wars and conflicts took place in numbers of countries and continents to eradicate the threat of a terrorist attack. Yet the terrorist groups survived and the United States were left with a large debt acquired by expensive counterterrorismRead MoreHow Terrorism Law Enforcement Prepares For Terrorism814 Words  | 4 Pageshandling suspected terrorist and potential targets for attacks. Nationwide agencies have been created to better serve local law enforcement agencies investigate potential terroristic threats, and alleviate any unsolved questions of what is required to better protect the security of the U.S. Due to terrorist attacks that have occurred across the world and in the U.S., law enforcement agencies and citizens now have the proper resources to help prevent future terrorist attacks. How Terrorism Law Enforcement
Communicative Language Testing Free Essays
Teaching and testing are so closely interrelated. It is obvious that the development of different theories and approaches of language learning and teaching also affects the history of language testing. Therefore, it is common to see evolution of both language teaching and language testing. We will write a custom essay sample on Communicative Language Testing or any similar topic only for you Order Now There has been a shift from analytical to integrative approach in both language teaching and language testing falling into three stages: ? Grammar –translation ? Structural ? Communicative ApproachThese three generations of language teaching are seen parallel to three generations of language testing. Through this shift, new ideas about language testing and new ways of evaluating the performance of language learners have emerged. The traditional description led to the teaching and learning of formal patterns of the language and the testing of language structures and vocabulary within a discrete – point single sentence format while the elaboration of communicative competence has had a considerable impact on language testing. Applied linguistics claimed that communicative language testing means not communicative testing of language, but the testing of communicative language. Thus, what distinguishes communicative language testing is the introduction of real – language input rather than new methodology of testing. As far as testing grammar is concerned, grammar has always been regarded as an important area for testing learner’s language proficiency. It still occupies a major position and is still present in many school examinations and even with commercially available proficiency tests.There is no doubt that this is a category to be measured when investigating an individual’s performance in a language. Thus, a better understanding of the construct of grammar is needed in order to improve the ways in which grammar is tested. However, what is of great importance is the extent to which the role of grammar has to play within communicative competence. The methods of testing grammar nowadays have been rather limited. Little attention has been given to create unique test designs for testing grammar within a communicative curriculum.Looking at commercially produced tests and available practice materials for tests, there has not much changed in them as there is not much that provides practice for testing communicative grammar communicatively. There is a common practice to test grammatical competence through decontextualised, isolated sentence formats and discrete-point items, which still seems to hold firm in the testing practice although various models of language proficiency have been proposed which advocate the measurement of the constituent parts of language proficiency communicatively.According to some experts, such type of test is non-communicative and context independent. As a reaction against the traditional assessment of using grammatical items divorced from the context, an alternative approach for the assessment of grammar w ith the notion of contextualizing items in a grammar test was introduced since testers pointed out that with isolated format there is a danger of testing an ability to do particular type of test rather than an ability to use the language. Other attempts to move away from discrete-point, decontextualised test items assessing grammatical competence include a variety of test formats. These tests measure grammatical competence within the framework of testing global language skills like speaking and writing, and listening and reading. There are views that a test of grammar has to be administered through some medium. Since most of grammar tests are in written form, the test-taker have to read in order to be able to respond to the grammar test items. This caused then the emergence of integrative tests. These integrative tests are often used as instruments for measuring one’s knowledge of ‘the rules in use’ in a specific context of communication.However, because of the nature of language in use, a number of issues have been raised by testers as to what language to sample for assessment and against what criteria performance on communicative language should be evaluated in order to ensure the generalisability of the results. Based on the assumption that grammar is central for effective and efficient communication, there have been attempts to describe the nature of instruments for testing grammar communicatively, which, however, does not seem to be adequately specified yet. It is a fact that in order to measure the ‘rules in use’, communicative grammar should be tested communicatively. Rea Dickins suggests that this can happen only if a test-taker is engaged in a communicative act in contexts that allow for the creation of meaning. Therefore, she claims that the communicative testing of grammar requires a task-based approach, within which there are at least five factors that make a grammar test communicative: 1. The contextualization of test items: a test should not comprise a number of decontextualised single sentences 2. The identification of a communicative purpose for the test activity 3.The identification of an audience to whom the communication is addressed 4. Instructions to the test taker that focus on meaning rather than on form 5. The opportunity for the test taker to create his/her own message and to produce grammatical responses as appropriate to a given context It is obvious that there is still a considerable discrepancy between the theory and practice in communicative grammar testing at our schools. Grammar testing appears not to have kept apace with developments in other areas of language description and language teaching.Moreover, the teachers are not sure about which are the most appropriate ways of testing grammatical competence. These are the following reasons why much grammar testing still reflects the best practice of the traditional method: †¢ high reliabilities are appealing to educational decision makers †¢ any move away from the objective decontextualised and decomposable approach to grammar testing raises certain difficulties †¢ ‘Communicative‘ testing (as indeed teaching) places greater demands on teachers and challenges their ompetence in English More open-ended wri ting tasks, through which grammar may be tested, require a new set of skills for test design, format, and item writing, with implications for more explicit marking schemes, appropriate design and application of different rating scales. The teachers prefer using well tried methods to avoid uncertainties about how to test grammar communicatively. It can be the result of constraints imposed by a syllabus, too.Where syllabus and/or textbooks reflect an exclusive form focused approach to teaching grammar, it is no surprise that any grammar testing may be similarly restricted in focus and format. How to cite Communicative Language Testing, Essays
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Religious Extremism and Islam
Religious extremism cropped up from diverse Islam’s Jihad teachings. The research focuses on the reasons for the religious extremism. The research centers on the different interpretations of the Koran’s Jihad verses. Religious extremism precipitated from some Muslim religion devotees’ diverse interpretation of Koran’s Jihad verses.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Religious Extremism and Islam specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Initially, Paul Heck1 stated Islamic extremism centers on two aspects of the issue. The first aspect is extremism. One group of non-Muslim people may classify the Islamic attacks on innocent civilians as extremism. On the other hand, the Islamic perpetrators of the suicide bombings do not classify themselves as extremists. Paul Heck2 mentioned the second aspect is on the Islam religion. Some Islamic fundamentalism groups do not accept violence as a last re sort. However, all Islam devotees affirm that Jihad is part of their duties. Some groups of Islam devotees prefer to use extreme means to perpetuate their goals for spread Islam. Islam accepts assassinations and bombings, specifically suicide bombings, as the duty of every serious Islam devotee. Likewise, Shireen Burki3 emphasized Islamic terrorism or Jihad is part of the duties of Muslims to achieve their political and religious goals. Islamic terrorism cropped up in many strategic locations around the world. The Islamic extremist attacks occurred in Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States starting in the early 1970s. The most recently devastating Islamic extremist attack occurred in New York on September 11, 2001. Al-Qaeda’s leader, Osama Bin Laden authorized the Islamic extremist attacks. The plane attacks focused on stopping the United States’ political and military presence in the Middle East as well as in the Arabian states. The extremi st attacks also focused on the removing the corrupt and inefficient leaders of the Arab states. Another very loud reason for the extremist religious attacks is to put a stop to the United States’ military, financial, and other aids to Israel. In addition, the extremist attacks focus on returning East Timor and Kashmir under Muslim authority. The extremist members are very active convincing people to join their religious extremist acts. The terrorist attacks include kidnappings for ransom, hijackings, and suicide attacks. Shireen Burki4 opined religious extremism is an offshoot of Islamic teachings. Alia Brahimi reiterated the Islam religion teaches violence as part of the necessary acts of their religion. Religious extremism is the ideology or political act that violates the norms of society. Society norms consider killing a crime. Consequently, an extremist is any person who uses religion as a basis for killing another person.Advertising Looking for research paper on re ligion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Demetrios Caraley5 shows a vivid example is the unforgettable horrors of the September 11, 2001tragedy that hit New York and the Whitehouse. The incident is a direct act on the United States’ democratic ideology. The incident shows that Muslim religion devotees’ religious beliefs may translate to the loss of innocent lives. Osama Bin Laden was instrumental in the attack of United States soil. The secularization of the September 11, 2011 issue equates to the harmful effects of the Islamic religion’s attack on New York City that fateful day. The horrors of the September 11 event awaken the people around the world on the power of religion to kill and maim innocent civilians. The people around the world will not forget the mass suicide of the four groups of Muslim religion devotees who hijacked the four planes. The four Islamic martyr groups did not think twice befo re using the planes to commit suicide. The Islamic martyrs consider themselves rightful heirs to the king of their God, Allah. Andrew Langley6 stated 19 religious extremists hijacked four planes. Two hijacked planes jets crashed on two skyscrapers in New York. Another group rammed the Pentagon complex in Arlington, Virginia. A fourth plane, destined for Washington D.C. crashed before reaching its destination. The airplane passengers were able to fight against the fourth plane’s hijackers. Everyone in all four hijacked planes died. In addition, a majority of the people trapped in the twin towers of New York were murdered. The September 11, 2001 casualty reached 2,974 dead and thousands more injured. In other parts of the world, David Cook7 stated women and men sometimes join suicide bombings are normal activities of religious activities. Cook mentioned many radical Muslims are using the Jihad process to widen their appeal to idealistic Muslim men and women to join in the battl efield’s martyrdom operations. The religious extremist straps bombs inside one’s clothes. When they reach their targets, the religious extremists blow themselves up. As a result, the bombing activities kill both the suicide bomber and a majority of the intended targets.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Religious Extremism and Islam specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, the suicide bombings often cause massive property damages. Normally, the suicide bombers use huge explosive charges to ensure the infliction of a huge toll on major property damage and huge human lives. Malik Mufti8 theorized the Islam religion explains that suicide bombers will receive rewards for killing non-Muslims. For the religious extremists, it is a duty to kill nonbelievers. It is the duty of the religious extremists to persuade the nonbelievers to convert to the Islam religion. The non-Muslim’s refusal to convert to the Islam religion would precipitate to the Muslim’s consideration of the Muslims as enemies. The religious extremists’ killing of non-Muslims for the sake of religious obedience is part of religious activities. Thus, the religious extremists do not have second thoughts on killing innocent civilians. Killing itself may be legal or illegal. Normally, the law allows the killing another person in a self-defense capacity. It is one’s fundamental right to protect oneself against dangers to one’s person, one’s family, and one’s property, especially the home. In addition, the state courts hand down death penalties to some convicted felons. The convicted felons are meted the death penalty for heinous crimes. The killing is classified legal. However, societal norms dictate that the killing innocent civilian, in the pursuit of one’s political or religious ideologies, is illegal. This is true for every suicide bombing activity. Hi storically, many empires have suffered under so-called extremist religious organizations. The implementation of widespread Islamic terrorism complies with the Islamic religion’s duties. The extremist attacks are religiously approved attacks on the apostates. The Koran states Apostates are non-Muslims. Non-Muslims are infidels or enemies under the Koran. However many Muslim scholars and leaders opined the Koran verse on Jihad or attacks on the apostates has been taken out of context. Some Muslim leaders emphasize that the Muslims warriors should implement the Jihad or holy wars only to protect the Muslim people from outside attacks.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Muslim warriors should start a Jihad or holy war to defend their religious beliefs, in case of attacks. Osama Bin Laden emphasized that the United States is an aggressive enemy of the Islam religion. Osama Bin Laden theorized the September 11, 2001 attack on New York City was a defensive Jihad attack. The Muslim leaders are more acceptable to the defensive Jihad attack when compared to the aggressive Jihad attacks. One of major causes persuading Muslims to join the Jihad or holy war is a strong bond. The family bond encourages one member of the family to successful implement a suicide bombing attack. The strong community bond encourages members to be a martyr for the group. A martyr is one who sacrifices one’s life in a suicide bombing attack. Other factors are not as influential in convincing a Muslim devotee to murder innocent Christian civilians. Poverty is not a strong factor. Trauma is a major factor in convincing the Muslim convert to engage in the Jihad or holy war . Being in a mad state is not as influential in convincing the Muslim individual to kidnap a Christian Pastor. Ignorance will not be an equally effective factor in terms of persuading the Muslim adolescent to engage in the Holy war to kill one’s innocent neighbors. The environment is a strong factor in terms of convincing the Muslim devotees to engage in Jihad activities. Muhammad Akbar9 stated the Koran’s Surah 9 verse 111 states â€Å"Allah hath purchased of the Believers their person and their goods; for theirs is the Garden of Paradise. They fight in his cause and slay and are slain.†The quote clearly shows that all Muslim religion devotees must comply with all the religious instructions of the Koran, without exception. Research conducted showed that more Algerians living in France join extremist groups. Likewise, the more Moroccans taking up residence in Spain favor the Jihad activities. Lastly, more The Yemeni persons taking up residence in Saudi Arabia a re eager to join the suicide bombing activities. Many Muslims offer terroristic attachments to the Jihad concept. The Jihad is a struggle to succeed. The Jihad is a Muslim struggle. The Koran imposes the Jihad on the persons, communities, or groups for having harmed a Muslim person, group, or community. John Esposito10 explained the confusion regarding in interpretation of Jihad is understandable. Muslim devotees have to comply with the five pillars of the Islam faith. The Muslim religion devotees consider the Jihad or holy war as the sixth compulsory pillar. The Koran commands Jihad actions in the Muslim devotees’ struggles. Jihad is the Arabian word for struggle. The Prophet Muhammad used the Jihad or holy war to capture reach territories previously controlled by other religions. The Koranic verses serve as the law of the Muslim religion devotees. The Koran verses teach the Muslim religion devotees self-understanding, piety, mobilization, expansion, and defense (Jihad). Dep ending on the Muslim religion devotees’ situation, one’s daily life focuses on fighting injustice, oppression, and spreading the Islam faith. Other Muslim religion devotees’ daily activities include establishing a society that implements just policies on all its residents. The Muslim religion devotees’ daily duties include joining the Jihad or holy war to defend one’s faith against infidels (non-Muslims). In terms of overall impact, the communities have to protect themselves from the extremists. The United States has stepped its homeland defense to counter the Islamic extremist11. The camaraderie of Muslim religion devotees creates a strong bond among the Muslim religion devotees around the world. The Islamic brotherhood includes Muslims from North Africa, Southeast Asia, Sudan, Algeria, the Gulf regions, and the United States. Leaders of the brotherhood include Hasan al-Banna (1906 -1949) and Sayyid Qutb (1906- 1949). Some of the leaders distribut ed Islamic books and other Islamic reading materials. The materials focus on the fundamentalist principles of the Muslim faith. The Islamic religious leaders do their best to use the Koran’s verses to legitimize their extremist killing activities. The increasing distance between the Muslim religion devotees and the Christians continues to widen. Similarly, Abdul Gafoor12 theorizes the literal meaning of Jihad is â€Å"to exert†. I t is the exertion of the intellect as recognized by the Islamic Law, Sharia. Jihad can be accomplished by using one’s heart, tongue, hands, or sword. Jihad is the battle against sin and Satan in the Muslim devotees’ life. Koran’s Verse 110 states â€Å"Ye are the best of peoples evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah.†The Koran verse does not literally state devotees are required to kill innocent civilians. The above verse clearly shows that the devout Muslim religion devotees must comply with all the Koran’s instructions. The Koran states that each Muslim religion devotees must forbid what is wrong. What is wrong includes not helping in the spread of the Islamic faith. All Muslim religion devotees should go out of their way to punish all infidels for maligning or attacking the beliefs of the Muslim faith. In turn, their god, Allah, will reward them for defending their faith against the infidels. For example, Geneive Abdo13 mentioned Essam al Eryan actively complies with all policies and instructions of the Muslim Brothers organization. The Brotherhood is the Middle East’s most powerful Muslim religion devotees ‘ group. Eryan is a doctor and a radio commentator. He often attacks the government’s policies. In return, the government has been irritated by Eryan’s anti-government radio commentaries. As a deputy secretary general of Egypt’s medical doctors’ syndicate, he is a very influential p erson among the citizens. Essam al Eryan was monitored by the state police for his possible contribution to a future Jihad or holy war attack on the top government officials and bombings in public places. Further, the Brotherhood of Muslims covers many countries around the world during the 1990s. The Muslim religion devotees’ extreme efforts to spread the Islamic teachings of their Prophet Mohammad. In Egypt, the Muslim religion devotees live in an environment having a dynamic as well as different relationship among the Muslim religion devotees. The Egyptian experience includes the radical, as well as violent revolutionary Islamic activities and institutionalization of the Muslim religion devotees’ lives as politically and socially comfortable. The police were trying to find the link between Essam al Eryan’s radio commentaries and killings of policemen and tourists in Upper Egypt. The police are finding evidences to prove that Essam al Eryan is instrumental in t he firing of shots on visiting Egyptian cabinet members walking along Cairo’s busy streets. The suspecting of Essam al Eryan is grounded on his caustic criticism of the Egyptian government’s running of the state’s affairs. Essam al Eryan was a radio commentator on British Broadcasting Corporation. The government did its part to try to control the media, including Essam al Eryan’s radio commentaries. However, the Muslim Brotherhood’s primary policies include renouncing the use of violence to pursue their religious goals and objectives. A majority of the Egyptian population were critical and against the government’s secular policies. Based on the above discussion, religious extremism is a different interpretation of Islam’s Jihad teachings. ‘Some groups interpret Jihad to include attacks on innocent civilians. Other Muslim religion leaders and scholars Jihad is allowed only to defend one’s religion, family or community agai nst the infidel attackers. Indeed, religious extremism precipitated from some Muslim religion devotees’ detoured interpretation of Koran’s Jihad verses. Works Cited Abdo, Geneive. No God but God: Egypt and the Triumph of Islam. New York: Oxford Press, 2000:71. Akbar, Muhammad. The Shade of Swords Jihad and the Conflict Between Islam and Christianity. NewYork: Routledge Press, 2002:12. Burki, Shireen. â€Å"Haram or Halal? Islamists’ Use of Suicide Attacs as â€Å"Jihad†.† Terrorism and Political Violence 23.4 (2011): 582-601. Caraley, Demetrios. September 11, Terrorist Attacks, and U. S. Foreign Policy. New York: Political Science Academy Press, 2003;39. Cook, David. â€Å"Women Fighting in Jihad?†Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 28.5 (2005): 375-384. Esposito, John. What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002;117. Gafoor, Abdul. Islam Jihad: Prejudice versus Reality. New York: Palgrave Press, 20 02;45. Heck, Paul. â€Å"Jihad Revisited.†Journal of Religious Ethics 32.1 (2004): 95-128. Langley, Andrew. September 11: Attack on America. New York: Compass Books, 2006;8. Mufti, Malik. â€Å"The Art of Jihad.†History of Political Thought 28.2 (2007): 189-207. Palmer, Monte, Islamic Extremism: Causes, Diversity, and Challenges. New York: Rowman Littlefield, 2008: 271 Footnotes 1 Heck, Paul. â€Å"Jihad Revisited.†Journal of Religious Ethics 32.1 (2004): 95-128. 2 Heck, Paul. â€Å"Jihad Revisited.†Journal of Religious Ethics 32.1 (2004): 95-128. 3 Burki, Shireen. â€Å"Haram or Halal? Islamists’ Use of Suicide Attacs as â€Å"Jihad†.†Terrorism and Political Violence 23.4 (2011): 582-601. 4 Burki, Shireen. â€Å"Haram or Halal? Islamists’ Use of Suicide Attacs as â€Å"Jihad†.†Terrorism and Political Violence 23.4 (2011): 582- 601. 5 Caraley, Demetrios. September 11, Terrorist Attacks, and United States Fo reign Policy, New York, Political Science Academy Press, 2002; 39. 6 Langley, Andrew. September 11: Attack on America. New York: Compass Books, 2006;8. 7 Cook, David. â€Å"Women Fighting in Jihad?†Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 28.5 (2005): 375-384. 8 Mufti, Malik. â€Å"The Art of Jihad.†History of Political Thought 28.2 (2007): 189-207. 9 Akbar, Muhammad. The Shade of SwordsL Jihad and the Conflict Between Islam and Christianity. NewYork: Routledge Press, 2002, 12. 10 Esposito, John. What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, 117. 11 Palmer, Monte, Islamic Extremism: Causes, Diversity, and Challenges, New York: Rowman Littlefield, 2008;271 12 Gafoor, Abdul, Islam Jihad: Prejudice versus Reality. 2002; 45. 13 Abdo, Geneive. No God but God: Egypt and the Triumph of Islam. New York: Oxford Press, 2000, 71. This research paper on Religious Extremism and Islam was written and submitted by user Nelson Mclean to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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